Saturday, January 14, 2012

Who Is Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits?

When you are trying to get what is coming to you, you need to determine whether you have the eligibility to receive certain benefits. This is true for Social Security Disability as well as any other benefits you may be looking to collect because of being disabled or not being able to work any longer. There are certain requirements and stipulations that will need to be met in order to qualify for disability benefits through Social Security. In order to be able to meet these requirements and to qualify you need to know what they are.

Understand that if you do qualify to receive disability benefits that you will not qualify for the insurance that comes with it. You will need to apply for coverage within your own city, county and state to see if they will be able to provide you with any type of medical coverage up until the age of 65. So yes, you may be able to qualify for the income provided to you before you reach the age of 65. In order to qualify for Medicare coverage you will have to go through a waiting period. In most cases, this is a time of one year from when you are declared eligible to receive disability benefits.

Know The Requirements

If you are looking to receive disability, the first thing you will need to do in order to qualify is actually to apply to receive the benefits. In order to have any chance to receive the benefits, you will need to be able to prove that you will no longer be able to work. This means that you will not have the abilities to perform your everyday tasks and to use the skills you have as a result of your years of working.

When you are trying to get this type of benefit you will in all likelihood need to have a doctor who is stating that you are no longer able to perform your job and that you should no longer be a contributing member of the workforce. You will need to submit all proof of this and in some cases the SSA will require statements from other people as well as an examination by their own doctor to ensure that they are not being defrauded.

In other words to qualify for disability you will need to be unable to work anymore. This is something that in some instances may require the assistance of an attorney to be able to help to prove that this is in fact the case. An attorney will be able to help you to get what you have earned and what should be paid to you as a result of your condition.

No matter what the reason is for your disability or why you can no longer work, you need to make sure you are doing all of the proper steps and following protocol when you are looking to get the benefits that you should. this is where an attorney would be able to help you.

If you live in Texas, and you've been denied Social Security benefits, consider contacting a Texas Social Security lawyer for an initial free consultation. Social Security disability attorneys receive fees only when you win your benefits, so there's no risk to get professional help today.

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